Glad you where able to figure this one out. I double checked my system and I already had libvlc5 installed. For others reading this, this is what you type in to install it:
sudo apt-get install libvlc5
@DuckSalmon It depends on the boot process too, and if you've got devices connected. Try it with no peripherals attached,and see if one of them is slowing it down.
Though I haven't tested it since v4 of RetroPie, if you turn off autostart of Emulation Station (in retropie-setup, configuration), you can add the below to the end of /etc/profile
if [ $(tty) == /dev/tty1 ]; then
opt/retropie/emulators/vice/bin/x64 -chdir /home/pi/RetroPie/roms/c64
This is assuming you've added Vice in as it's not there by default anymore.
Well I solved this with a work around. I had splashscreens disabled. I created a black screen png. I re-enabled splashscreens and chose my custom one. Now the autologin text does not show.
@dotEXE You can by modifying the single "retroarch.cfg" file in /opt/retropie/configs/psx.
If you can upload the file here for me I can try to modify it for you.